UP-CYCLED BLACK BOARDS: A DIY special for Zero Waste Week

UP CYCLING with blackboard paint

I LOVE BLACKBOARD PAINT. It is cheep, versatile, and adds an interesting and interactive twist to every day objects. It sticks to glass, wood, chip board, metal, and even ceramic. I’ve been experimenting with items at our “pay as you feel” wasted food cafes in Brighton.

My first item: A TIP POT. A ceramic coffee pot for sprouting new ideas. Cafe visitors can place inside their constructive tips, ideas, feedback, and give their contact details for volunteering.

Tip Pot! Not for money, but for tips, literally.

Tip Pot! Not for money, but for tips, literally.

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GLASS TABLE-PIECES. How do you spread key messages about the environment and society to a room of 300 hungry people? Make interesting table pieces for them to ready whilst they eat! A great way to offer information about our project, where the food comes from, and why we are feeding bellies not bins. Each week I can add different wasted food facts, local statistics, interesting tips to reduce wasting food, and event updates.

Couldn't find flowers so I used leeks...you say that's odd, I say that's ingenious. Potato tomato no?

Couldn’t find flowers so I used spring onions…you say that’s odd, I say that’s ingenious.


Ironically made from my old kitchen cupboards, I wanted an interesting but simply set of boards for our basic cafe needs.


I hand draw all my designs but stencilling would be a great way to achieve uniformity across your designs.


Completed menu sign which I get the kids to fill in at the cafes


Because I’m English


Need a bigger sign

So there you have it, you can turn any piece of tat or rubbish into quirky objects with a purpose. A nice hobby to have, so why not try it out yourself this zero waste week?